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Positivist and Humanistic Tradition Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 9

The Positivist and Humanistic Tradition Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Positivist and Humanistic Tradition Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 8-9 to prepare Basic Sociology Practice Tests. Solve Thinking Sociologically and Thinking Globally MCQ with answers PDF, Positivist and Humanistic Tradition Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for colleges and universities exams. The Positivist and Humanistic Tradition Quiz App Download: Free learning app for what is culture, mapping your personal social network and friends circle, sports in media, humanizing bureaucracies, positivist and humanistic tradition test prep for online masters programs.

The Quiz: When researchers use data from only people of one sex to support conclusions about both sexes is; "Positivist and Humanistic Tradition" App Download (Free) with answers: Overgeneralising; Gender blindness; Double standard; Interference; for colleges and universities exams. Learn Thinking Sociologically and Thinking Globally Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample for online colleges.

Positivist and Humanistic Tradition Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 9

MCQ 41:

When researchers use data from only people of one sex to support conclusions about both sexes is

  1. Gender blindness
  2. overgeneralising
  3. Double standard
  4. Interference
MCQ 42:

According to sociology Family started with patriarch belongs to the theory of

  1. Polygamy
  2. Monogamy
  3. Patriarchal
  4. Matriarchal
MCQ 43:

According to sociology people look here at how people do things together like they play together, teams, managers, business, orgnisations, media professionals, families, communities are called as

  1. Functionalism
  2. Action and interaction
  3. Reaction
  4. Ethics
MCQ 44:

The concept of bureaucracy was given by

  1. Max Weber's
  2. Franz Boas
  3. Karl Marx
  4. August Comte
MCQ 45:

According to sociology to represent his or her culture is called

  1. Symbol
  2. Sign
  3. Representation
  4. All of the above

Basic Sociology Exam Prep Tests

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