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Word Processing Basics Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 285

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Word Processing Basics Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 285

MCQ 1421: Extension of MS-Word file is

A) wrd
B) xls
C) jpg
D) doc

MCQ 1422: In a computer, number of times a wave repeats during a specific time interval is called its

A) pulse
B) amplitude
C) frequency
D) oscillation

MCQ 1423: Format of an email address is

A) user name# DSN address
B) user name& DSN address
C) user name@ DSN address
D) user name$

MCQ 1424: Key which is used to move the cursor at the beginning of the line is

A) end key
B) enter key
C) shift key
D) home key

MCQ 1425: In computer, FIFO is formed by an arrangement of

A) diodes
B) transistors
C) MOS cells
D) shift registers

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