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Enumerations Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 49

Free Enumerations Quiz Questions and Answers, Enumerations Quiz PDF Download, Book Ch. 3-49 to study c sharp online courses. Practice Complex Data Types MCQ Questions PDF, enumerations Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Enumerations Quiz App Download: Free learning app for operators, precedence, enumerations test prep for programming certifications.

The Quiz: Correct output for the code is
enum color { red, green, blue } color c; c =; Console.WriteLine(c);
; "Enumerations" App Download (Free) with answers -1, 1, red and 0 to study computer engineering courses. Solve complex data types questions and answers, Amazon eBook to download free sample for IT certifications.

Enumerations Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 49

MCQ 241: Correct output for the code is
enum color { red, green, blue } color c; c =; Console.WriteLine(c);

  1. 1
  2. -1
  3. red
  4. 0

MCQ 242: Choose the correct precedence level of the following operators " !=, ?:, &, ++, &&"

  1. ?: ,&& ,!= ,& , ++
  2. ?: ,&& ,!= , ++ , &
  3. ?: < && < &
  4. ?: , && , != , & , ++

MCQ 243: From the following which is not an operator in C#

  1. %
  2. /
  3. \
  4. %

MCQ 244: Choose the correct statement

  1. The signature of an indexer consists of the number and types of its formal parameters.
  2. Indexers are similar to properties except that their accessors take parameters.
  3. The type of an indexer and the type of its parameters must be at least as accessible as the indexer
  4. Al of the above

MCQ 245: The difference between enum used in C# and enum used in C is

  1. that C is strictly a typed language, C#.NET also is a strictly typed language
  2. that In C, language variables of enum types can be used interchangeably with integers using type cas
  3. a and b
  4. there is no difference

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