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Ethnocentrism Cultural Relativism and Human Rights Quiz PDF: Questions and Answers - 15

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Ethnocentrism Cultural Relativism and Human Rights Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 15

MCQ 71: Many cultural traits are widely shared because of diffusion and independent invention and as cultural universals is called

  1. Particularity
  2. Some time
  3. Uncultured
  4. All of the above

MCQ 72: Goods that are frequently and immediately bought by consumer's are classified as

  1. Unsought goods
  2. Specialty goods
  3. Convenience goods
  4. Shopping goods

MCQ 73: Which of the following is a common criticism of postmodernism?

  1. It over-simplifies highly complex phenomena
  2. It tends towards relativism and nihilism
  3. It is too heavily influenced by liberal presuppositions
  4. It overlooks the relationship between knowledge and power

MCQ 74: Which of the following is NOT one of the 3 forms of violence identified by postcolonialism?

  1. Material violence
  2. Epistemic violence
  3. Structural violence
  4. Pervasive violence

MCQ 75: According to anthropologists they said that some of our facial expressions reflect our primate heritage like

  1. Monkey and apes
  2. Human beings
  3. Animals
  4. Cat and dog

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