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Chapter 8: Basic Sociology Exam Tests

Basic Sociology MCQs - Chapter 8

Thinking Sociologically and Thinking Globally Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 5

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Thinking Sociologically and Thinking Globally Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 5

MCQ 21: Equality of sexes and the analyse of gender difference in sociology is called as

  1. Sex difference in the society
  2. Feminism
  3. Racism
  4. Equality of cultures

MCQ 22: In modern rationality is exemplified by a proliferation of large scale orgnisations like Catholic Church, thousands of employs of national governments a people who work in a large scale orgnisations is called

  1. Distinctive social institutions
  2. Large-scale orgnisations
  3. Specialized tasks
  4. Personal discipline

MCQ 23: According to Marx he said a continuation of the themes first analyzed by Marx and which is so called modern societies are called

  1. Late capitalism
  2. Late modernity
  3. The postmodern society
  4. Liquid society

MCQ 24: Raewyn Connell was suggested the importance of

  1. Sociological problem
  2. Hegemonic masculinity
  3. Symbolic identities
  4. None of the above

MCQ 25: According to sociology the most poor societies in the world are

  1. India
  2. Pakistan
  3. Africa
  4. All of the above

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