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Chapter 8: Basic Sociology Exam Tests

Basic Sociology MCQs - Chapter 8

Thinking Sociologically and Thinking Globally Trivia Questions and Answers PDF - 4

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Thinking Sociologically and Thinking Globally Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 4

MCQ 16: Sociologists have increasingly used the term globalization in

  1. 1980's
  2. 1990's
  3. 1970's
  4. 1960's

MCQ 17: A series of unfolding stages are called

  1. Functional stage
  2. Evolutionary theories
  3. Configuration theories
  4. None of the above

MCQ 18: Max Weber's idealist approach reveals that modes of thought have a powerful effect on society Weber, feared that contrast between the tradition of pre industrial societies is called as

  1. Industrial societies
  2. Sophisticated machinery
  3. Bureaucratic orgnisations
  4. Capitalist system

MCQ 19: In the society when family life is simple handshake and contributes to the operation of society is called as

  1. Social life
  2. Social function
  3. Social structure
  4. Social demand

MCQ 20: The key to Marx's thinking is the idea of social

  1. Interaction
  2. Social norms
  3. Social structure
  4. Social conflict

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Thinking Sociologically and Thinking Globally App (Android & iOS)

Basic Sociology App (Android & iOS)

Basic Sociology App (iOS & Android)

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