Math Placement Test 3 PDF Download eBook
Learn math placement test, math assessment test to practice college pretest online 3 to practice area and perimeter MCQs. Free career assessment test questions with answers to practice job placement test on sequence, estimation and approximation, angle properties of polygons, proportionality, area and perimeter MCQs for online college admission.
Practice area and perimeter Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ): By choosing the right option, please fill in the blank: 1, 4, __, 16, 25, 36, for competitive exams with choices: 8, 7, 9, 10 for certification exam prep for online college admission.
Math Entry Test 3
MCQ: By choosing the right option, please fill in the blank: 1, 4, __, 16, 25, 36
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
MCQ: By estimating the following mentally, please choose the right answer of: 3.12x7.442
- 2.322
- 232.2
- 23.22
- 0.2322
MCQ: A regular polygon has 18 sides, each interior angle of the polygon should be
- 120°
- 190°
- 160°
- 100°
MCQ: If K is inversly proportional to the square of L and K=6 when L=2, when L=22 the value K should be
- 1.5
- 3
- 4
- 0.75
MCQ: A circle has area of 154 cm2, the perimeter of half segment should be
- 58 cm2
- 44 cm2
- 22 cm2
- 36 cm2