Physics: Career Placement Test 6 PDF Download eBook
Learn physics career placement test for online degree programs, physics assessment test 6 to practice mass, weight and density MCQs. Free career assessment test questions with answers to practice job placement test on speed, velocity and acceleration, kelvin and °celcius, types of forces, kinematics, mass, weight and density MCQs for online college scholarships and grants.
Practice mass, weight and density Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ): Acceleration is defined as, for competitive exams with choices: speed, velocity, velocity per unit time, speed per unit distance for certification exam prep for online college scholarships and grants.
Physics Entry Test 6
MCQ: Acceleration is defined as
- Velocity
- Speed
- Velocity per unit time
- Speed per unit distance
MCQ: The Kelvin scale has
- One Fixed point .i.e triple point of water
- Two Fixed points .i.e ice point and steam point
- No Fixed points
- Variable Points
MCQ: Resistance is a type of
- Torque
- Tension
- Friction
- Contact Force
MCQ: Speed is a
- Scalar quantity
- Vector quantity
- Force
- Power
MCQ: Water has a weight of 10000 N in a volume of 1000000 cm3, calculate the density of water in kg/m3
- 1 kg/m3
- 10 kg/m3
- 100 kg/m3
- 1000 kg/m3