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Physics Practice Test 6 PDF Download eBook

Learn physics practice test for online college degree programs, physics entry test prep 6 to practice applications of electromagnetic waves MCQs. Free career assessment test questions with answers to practice job placement test on waves, scalar and vector, distance, time and speed, pressure, applications of electromagnetic waves MCQs for university online admission.

Practice applications of electromagnetic waves Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ): A wave is made up of, for competitive exams with choices: troughs and crests, periodic motions, compressions and rarefactions, rays for certification exam prep for university online admission.

Physics Entry Test 6

Introduction Quiz

MCQ: A wave is made up of

  1. Periodic Motions
  2. Troughs and Crests
  3. Compressions and Rarefactions
  4. Rays


Scalar and Vector Quiz

MCQ: A vector quantity has

  1. a magnitude only
  2. direction only
  3. magnitude and direction both
  4. it has a unit only


Distance, Time and Speed Quiz

MCQ: The SI unit of time is

  1. Millisceonds
  2. Microseconds
  3. Seconds
  4. Minutes


Pressure Quiz

MCQ: A liquid of density 3.5 g/com3 is poured in a beaker, the water level in the beaker is 45 cm. Assuming that the gravitational field strength is 10 m/s2, calculate the pressure exerted by the liquid on the container.

  1. 1575 Pa
  2. 15.75 Pa
  3. 0.78 Pa
  4. 128.6 Pa


Applications of Electromagnetic Waves Quiz

MCQ: The waves used to transmitt data from and to satellite are

  1. Radio waves
  2. Infra-red waves
  3. Microwaves
  4. Ultraviolet rays