Physics Practice Test 5 PDF Download eBook
Learn physics practice test for online college degree programs, physics entry test prep 5 to practice electromagnetic waves MCQs. Free career assessment test questions with answers to practice job placement test on vernier callipers, latent heat, types of waves, speed of sound, electromagnetic waves MCQs for online colleges with high acceptance rates.
Practice electromagnetic waves Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ): What does the vernier scale on the vernier callipers represent, for competitive exams with choices: 1 cm, 1 mm, 0.1 mm, 0.01 mm for certification exam prep for online colleges with high acceptance rates.
Physics Entry Test 5
MCQ: What does the vernier scale on the vernier callipers represent
- 1 mm
- 1 cm
- 0.1 mm
- 0.01 mm
MCQ: The amount of heat absorbed or released by a substance during a change in state from solid to liquid and vice versa without a change in temperature is
- Heat Capacity of Vaporisation
- Specific Heat Capacity of Fusion
- Latent heat of Fusion
- Latent Heat of Vaporisation
MCQ: A wave that contains troughs and crests is known as a
- Transverse Wave
- Longitudinal Wave
- Paranormic Wave
- Electromagntic Wave
MCQ: The speed of sound in Liquids is
- 330 m/s
- 220 m/s
- 0 m/s
- 1500 m/s
MCQ: Electromagnetic waves have same _____, but different _____ and _____
- frequency, wavelength and speed
- wavelength, frequency and speed
- speed, frequency and wavelength
- wavelength, amplitude and speed