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Assembly Language MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 218

The Book Assembly Language Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Assembly Language MCQ PDF Download, e-Book Ch. 9-218 to learn computer technology online courses. Study Computer Languages MCQs Questions PDF, assembly language Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Assembly Language MCQs App Download: Free certification app for direct access storage devices, computer generations, system performance, positional and non-positional number systems, assembly language test prep for BSc computer science.

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Assembly Language Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 218

MCQ 1086: Additional instructions are provided by the assembly language that are known to be

  1. Pseudo-instructions
  2. Program-instructions
  3. Code-instructions
  4. Operation-instructions

MCQ 1087: The symbols of positional number system represents different values depending upon the

  1. Position
  2. Number system
  3. Symbol value
  4. Digit value

MCQ 1088: A system's ability of doing work per unit time defines its

  1. Access time
  2. Turnaround time
  3. Throughput
  4. Response time

MCQ 1089: Key software technologies used in the second generation computers was batch operating system and

  1. Assembly language
  2. Machine language
  3. Stored programs
  4. Scientific and commercial use

MCQ 1090: Accessing information in a direct device from any location requires

  1. High access time
  2. Low access time
  3. Equal access time
  4. No time

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Assembly Language App (Android & iOS)

Assembly Language App (Android & iOS)

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Educational Psychology App (Android & iOS)

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C++ App (Android & iOS)

C++ App (iOS & Android)