Introduction Transformation Grid Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook p. 3
Introduction Transformation Grid trivia questions and answers, introduction transformation grid quiz answers PDF to solve computational fluid dynamics mock test 3 for online degrees. Practice Transformation Grid trivia questions and answers, introduction transformation grid Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve cfd test with answers for engineering online degree programs. Free introduction transformation grid MCQs, finite difference method, purpose of cfd, introduction transformation grid test prep for pre employment screening tests.
"Meshes which only requires element size on lines and surfaces that define geometry as input.", introduction transformation grid Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices unstructured mesh, structured mesh, dirichlet mesh, and none of above to study online courses. Learn transformation grid questions and answers with free online certification courses for college entrance exams.
Trivia Quiz on Introduction Transformation Grid PDF Download eBook
MCQ: The meshes which only requires the element size on the lines and surfaces that define the geometry as input.
- Structured mesh
- unstructured mesh
- Dirichlet mesh
- none of above
MCQ: When a direct computation of the dependent variables can be made in terms of known quantities, the computation is said to be
- implicit
- explicit
- unique
- dependent
MCQ: Formula of forward differencing is
- Δhf(x) = f(x+h) - f(x)
- 2Δhf(x) = f(x+h) - f(x-h)
- Δhf(x) = f(x) - f(x+h)
- Δhf(x) = f(x+h) + f(x-h)
MCQ: Incompressible flow is limiting case of subsonic flow where Mach number is
- maximum
- minimum
- zero
- constant
MCQ: The ratio of momentum diffusivity and thermal diffusivity is called
- Reynolds number
- Mach number
- Ruark number
- Pandtl number