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Finite difference method Quizzes Online MCQs PDF Download eBook p. 17

Finite difference method quiz questions, finite difference method multiple choice questions and answers PDF to prepare computational fluid dynamics exam worksheet 17 for online certificate programs. Practice Discretization quiz with answers, finite difference method Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve cfd test with answers to prepare engineering courses for online degrees. Free finite difference method MCQs, cfd: research tool, finite difference method test prep for online career assessment.

"Representation of finite difference derivative is based on", finite difference method Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices newton's 2nd law, taylor series expansion, fredrick law, and none of above to learn online training courses. Learn discretization questions and answers with free online certification courses for online high school college acceptance.

Finite difference method Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Finite difference method Quiz

MCQ: Representation of finite difference derivative is based on

  1. Taylor series expansion
  2. Newton's 2nd law
  3. Fredrick law
  4. none of above


CFD: Research Tool Quiz

MCQ: When mach number is in between 0.8 - 1.2, flow is in

  1. subsonic regime
  2. super sonic regime
  3. sonic regime
  4. transonic regime


CFD: Research Tool Quiz

MCQ: When mach number > 5, flow is in

  1. subsonic regime
  2. super sonic regime
  3. sonic regime
  4. hypersonic regime


CFD: Research Tool Quiz

MCQ: In an aero plane, the angle between wing chord line and flight path is called

  1. angle of attack
  2. angle of elevation
  3. angle of wing
  4. angle of chord


Purpose of CFD Quiz

MCQ: The method in which the boundary occupied by the fluid is divided into a surface mesh is

  1. Finite Volume method
  2. Finite element method
  3. Boundary element method
  4. spectral element method