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Streamlines Streak lines and path lines Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook p. 3

Streamlines Streak lines and path lines trivia questions and answers, streamlines streak lines and path lines quiz answers PDF to solve mechanics mock test 3 for online degrees. Practice Fluid Kinematics trivia questions and answers, streamlines streak lines and path lines Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve mechanics test with answers for engineering online degree programs. Free streamlines, streak lines and path lines MCQs, summary, buoyancy, flotation and stability, fluid statistics, static, dynamic, stagnation pressure, streamlines, streak lines and path lines test prep for pre employment screening tests.

"Line traced out by a given particle as it flows from one point to another is called", streamlines streak lines and path lines Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices streamline, path line, streak line, and flow line to study online classes courses. Learn fluid kinematics questions and answers with free online certification courses for grad school interview questions.

Trivia Quiz on Streamlines Streak lines and path lines PDF Download eBook

Streamlines, Streak lines and path lines Quiz

MCQ: The line traced out by a given particle as it flows from one point to another is called

  1. path line
  2. streamline
  3. streak line
  4. flow line


Static, Dynamic, Stagnation Pressure Quiz

MCQ: At a stagnation point the fluid velocity is

  1. maximum
  2. minimum
  3. unity
  4. zero


Fluid Statistics Quiz

MCQ: Hydrostatic force on a plane surface is

  1. F = 1/γhA
  2. F = γh/A
  3. F = γhA
  4. F = γ/hA


Buoyancy, flotation and stability Quiz

MCQ: The expression for buoyant force is

  1. F = γ/V
  2. F = γ/2V
  3. F = γV
  4. F = 2γV


Summary Quiz

MCQ: Newtonian fluid shear stress is equal to

  1. T = (du/dy)
  2. T = μ (du/dy)
  3. T = μ (dy/du)
  4. T = 2μ (du/dy)