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Finite difference method Quizzes Online MCQs PDF Download eBook p. 5

Finite difference method quiz questions, finite difference method multiple choice questions and answers PDF to prepare computational fluid dynamics exam worksheet 5 for online certificate programs. Practice Discretization quiz with answers, finite difference method Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve cfd test with answers to prepare engineering courses for online degrees. Free finite difference method MCQs, impact of cfd, introduction to partial differential equation, finite difference method test prep for job placement test.

"Artificial node is added for", finite difference method Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices neumann boundary condition, dirichlet boundary condition, forced boundary condition, and discrete boundary condition for online certificate programs. Learn discretization questions and answers with free online certification courses for online engineering graduate colleges.

Finite difference method Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Finite difference method Quiz

MCQ: Artificial node is added for

  1. Dirichlet boundary condition
  2. Neumann boundary condition
  3. forced boundary condition
  4. discrete boundary condition


Introduction to Partial differential equation Quiz

MCQ: A space of interest where mass can cross the boundary is

  1. Control volume
  2. Control surface
  3. control system
  4. control boundary


Impact of CFD Quiz

MCQ: When fluid properties does not change with time, flow is called

  1. steady
  2. unsteady
  3. viscous
  4. non viscous


Introduction Transformation Grid Quiz

MCQ: The mesh requires the blocking as input called

  1. Structured mesh
  2. unstructured mesh
  3. Dirichlet mesh
  4. none of above


Introduction to Partial differential equation Quiz

MCQ: The boundary of the control volume is called

  1. Control volume
  2. Control surface
  3. control system
  4. control boundary