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Liquid Vapors and Gas Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook p. 4

Liquid Vapors and Gas quiz questions and answers, liquid vapors and gas MCQs with answers PDF to solve thermodynamics worksheet 4 for online graduate programs. Practice Working Fluid quiz questions with answers, liquid vapors and gas Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve thermodynamics test with answers for engineering online degree programs. Free liquid, vapors and gas MCQs, entropy, exergy, liquid, vapors and gas test prep for online engineering colleges.

"Mixture of liquid and dry vapor is known as", liquid vapors and gas Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices dry vapor, wet vapor, transition vapor, and none of above to learn online schools courses. Learn working fluid questions and answers with free online certification courses for online associate degree in engineering.

Quiz on Liquid Vapors and Gas PDF Download eBook

Liquid, Vapors and Gas Quiz

MCQ: Mixture of liquid and dry vapor is known as

  1. Wet vapor
  2. Dry Vapor
  3. Transition Vapor
  4. none of above


Exergy Quiz

MCQ: The maximum amount of work that can be obtained from a system at constant temperature and pressure is called

  1. Exergy
  2. Reversibility
  3. Capacity
  4. none of above


Entropy Quiz

MCQ: The entropy of process remains constant, if process is

  1. Irreversible
  2. Isobaric
  3. Reversible
  4. Isochoric


Liquid, Vapors and Gas Quiz

MCQ: The mass of liquid vapor in 1 kg of the mixture

  1. Vapor fraction
  2. Dryness fraction
  3. Wetness fraction
  4. Mixture fraction


Heat Work and System Quiz

MCQ: Volume occupied by unit mass of a system called

  1. Total Volume
  2. Minimum Volume
  3. Specific Volume
  4. none of above