Data Entry Operator Interview Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook
Learn data entry operator interviewing questions and answers, learn computer science for online certificate programs and executive interview preparation. Learn computer science questions to ask in an interview on input and output devices, input at terminals and microcomputers, document readers, computer plotters, bar codes, tags and magnetic stripes, types of computer printers, input output, input devices, use of keyboards, printers for computer printing for information technology jobs.
Data Entry Operator Interview Questions
Question: On color screen, two bits are needed for
Question: Type of graphic tablet which accepts hand-written characters such as numbers and letters is known as
Question: Type of device that can produce movement when an electrical signal is given to it is called
Question: A switch that uses mechanical movement to switch small current ON and OFF is classified as
Question: Magnetic tape which is of short length and is stacked onto the surface of document is called