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Surds and Indices MCQs - Math Test 5

MCQ: Simplify (a^(-1 ⁄ 3) × a^(1 ⁄ 3)) ⁄ a^(-1 ⁄ 2)

  1. a^(-7 ⁄ 18)
  2. a^(-1 ⁄ 2)
  3. a^(1 ⁄ 2)
  4. None of the above


MCQ: Evaluate (1 ⁄ 64)^(-1⁄3)

  1. 4^-1
  2. 4
  3. 2^-1
  4. 2


MCQ: Logarithm to base 10 of 1000 is:

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4


MCQ: Index form of 'logarithm to base x of y is z' is:

  1. x^z = y
  2. x^y = z
  3. y^z = x
  4. z^y = x


MCQ: In logarithmic form of '2&sup6; = 64':

  1. base = 6, log = 2, number = 64
  2. base = 2, log = 6, number = 64
  3. base = 2, log = 64, number = 6
  4. base = 64, log = 2, number = 6