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Textile Technology Practice Test 330

Electron Microscope and Techniques MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 330

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Electron Microscope and Techniques Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 330

MCQ 1646: Dark field electron microscopy is used to show presence of crystalline regions appearing

A) dark against light background
B) light against dark background
C) dark
D) light

MCQ 1647: Combing head in combing machine is made up of

A) feeder table
B) feeder roller
C) roller cotton
D) rollers

MCQ 1648: The type of delivery material of opening and cleaning stage in open ended cotton yarn cycle is

A) Lap
B) Card Sliver
C) Drawn sliver
D) Yarn

MCQ 1649: Controllers per head in intersecting rotating disks are

A) 4
B) 5
C) 6
D) 7

MCQ 1650: Fibers can also be examined using

A) microscopy
B) force microscopy
C) atomic force microscopy
D) atomic microscopy

Textile Technology Exam Prep Tests

Electron Microscope and Techniques Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Electron Microscope and Techniques App (Android & iOS)

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