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Sociology Practice Test 216

Conflict Theory Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 216

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Conflict Theory Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 216

MCQ 1076: Social structure and organization' includes

A) Religious groups
B) Governments
C) A and B
D) None of them

MCQ 1077: As economy developed people get

A) Appointed
B) Employed
C) Enrolled
D) Assigned

MCQ 1078: The purpose of 'sociological research' is

A) To investigate
B) Explore
C) Analyze
D) Evaluate

MCQ 1079: The bulk of people entered into the North America from

A) Northern Europe
B) Eastern Europe
C) Latin America
D) All of above

MCQ 1080: The stigmatized minority groups that were refused a political voice all over the globe is called

A) First world
B) Second world
C) Third world
D) Fourth world

Sociology Exam Prep Tests

Conflict Theory Learning App & Free Study Apps

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