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Chapter 2: Sociology Exam Tests

Sociology MCQs - Chapter 2

An Introduction to Sociology Multiple Choice Questions PDF Download - 5

The e-Book An Introduction to Sociology Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), An Introduction to Sociology MCQ Quiz PDF download, test 5 to study free sociology Online Course. Practice Functionalism MCQs, An Introduction to Sociology trivia questions and answers PDF to prepare for job interview. The An Introduction to Sociology MCQs App Download: Free learning app for conflict theory, creating a discipline, theoretical perspectives career test for online bachelor's degree.

The Multiple Choice Question (MCQ Quiz): Oldest and main theory of 'sociology' is; "An Introduction to Sociology" App Download (Free) with answers functionalism, socialism, marxism and communism for online graduate programs. Solve functionalism quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online college classes.

An Introduction to Sociology Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 5

MCQ 21: The oldest and main theory of 'sociology' is

A) Socialism
B) Functionalism
C) Marxism
D) Communism

MCQ 22: Who was the leader in the field of 'feminist conflict theory'?

A) Janet Saltzman Chafetz
B) Simmel
C) Weber
D) Fraud

MCQ 23: Who establish sociology as a 'formal academic discipline'?

A) Plato
B) ?mile Durkheim
C) Karl Marx
D) August Comte

MCQ 24: Social solidarity' explains the social ties that bind the group together such as

A) Kinship
B) Shared location
C) Religion
D) All of above

MCQ 25: Rules of the sociological method was published in

A) 1895
B) 1896
C) 1897
D) 1898

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