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Physical Geography Practice Test 24

Maps and essential scientific tools Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 24

Free Maps and essential scientific tools Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF Download (Maps and essential scientific tools MCQ PDF Book), chapter 1-24 to learn online geography degree programs. Solve Earth basic facts and mapping Quiz Answers PDF, maps and essential scientific tools Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. Free educational app: Maps and essential scientific tools MCQ Quiz App Download & e-Book for fundamentals of human geography, natural agents, maps and essential scientific tools test prep for colleges that offer certificate programs.

The MCQ Quiz: Using a grid of lines of latitude and longitude the representation of celestial sphere on a flat map is known as; "Maps and essential scientific tools" App APK Download (Free) with answers navigational maps, large scale maps, small scale maps and map projection to study online classes courses. Study earth basic facts and mapping questions and answers, Apple Book to download free sample for online undergraduate degree.

Maps and essential scientific tools Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 24

MCQ 116: Using a grid of lines of latitude and longitude the representation of celestial sphere on a flat map is known as

A) large scale maps
B) navigational maps
C) small scale maps
D) map projection

MCQ 117: The process in which heavy machinery compressed the soil is known as

A) compaction
B) saturation
C) solifluction
D) mass wasting

MCQ 118: Line on a map which joins the points on the earth's surface where magnetic declination is the same known as

A) isogonics lines
B) angular distance
C) solar time
D) magnetic poles

MCQ 119: Another term which is used for isopleths is

A) isarithm map
B) isohypses
C) isolines
D) isarithm

MCQ 120: Lowest point in which stream or river can easily flow is known as

A) base level
B) water level
C) wind level
D) ocean level

General Knowledge Exam Prep Tests

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Maps and essential scientific tools App (Android & iOS)

Maps and essential scientific tools App (Android & iOS)

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