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Chapter 2: Marine Pollution Exam Tests

Marine Pollution MCQs - Chapter 2

Inorganic Pollutants Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 4

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Inorganic Pollutants Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 4

MCQ 16: Plants adapted in; low pH soil and

A) High oxygen content
B) Low oxygen content
C) High temperature
D) high pressure

MCQ 17: In nature, mercury is found in different forms, such as; elemental, metallic and

A) Organic mercury compound
B) Inorganic mercury compound
C) Toxic compound
D) non-toxic compound

MCQ 18: Iron is engrossed as a central ion, accessing in;

A) blood nerves
B) Hemoglobin
C) Plasma membrane
D) ovaries

MCQ 19: Magnesium's objective involved in working as a Cofactor, in;

A) Enzymes
B) Hormones
C) Genes
D) All of above

MCQ 20: The 'methylated' forms of mercury, easily taken up by the organisms, approaching;

A) Lowest trophic level
B) Highest trophic level
C) Hetertrophs
D) highest temperature

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Inorganic Pollutants App (Android & iOS)

Inorganic Pollutants App (Android & iOS)

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