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Chapter 2: Histology Exam Tests

Histology MCQs - Chapter 2

Bones Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 4

Free Bones Trivia Questions and Answers, Bones quiz answers PDF, test 4 to download online Histology Course. Solve Structure of Bone Tissues MCQs, Bones MCQs questions and answers PDF to prepare for job interview. Free educational app: Bones Trivia App Download & e-Book for bone formation career test for online college classes.

The Trivia Quiz: Number of lamellae in each osteon is ranges between; "Bones" App APK Download (Free) with answers 2 to 10, 2 to 5, 5 to 15 and 5 to 7 for online histology degree programs. Practice structure of bone tissues quiz questions, download Kindle eBook (Free Sample) for free online classes.

Bones Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 4

MCQ 16: The number of lamellae in each osteon is ranges between

A) 2 to 5
B) 2 to 10
C) 5 to 15
D) 5 to 7

MCQ 17: The bulk of the compact bone in the adults, composed of cylindrical subunits, called as

A) osteon only
B) Haversian system only
C) osteoblast
D) osteon and Haversian system

MCQ 18: The bone that has a dense area without cavities is known as

A) compact bone
B) cancellous bone
C) spongy bone
D) immature bone

MCQ 19: The flat bones of the skull, mandible, clavicle and bones of the face are developed from the

A) intramembranous ossification
B) embryonic ossification
C) Arthrogenesis
D) osteogenesis

MCQ 20: The first bone tissue that is appeared during embryonic development and bone repair, named as

A) woven bone only
B) immature bone only
C) spongy bone
D) woven and immature bones

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