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Chapter 1: SAT Physics Exam Tests

SAT Physics MCQs - Chapter 1

Energy Mass and Power Multiple Choice Questions PDF Download - 5

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The Multiple Choice Question (MCQ Quiz): Mechanical energy that a body have are of; "Energy Mass and Power" App Download (Free) with answers 4 types, 3 types, 2 types and 5 types to learn online SAT exam courses. Solve work in physics quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for employment assessment test.

Energy Mass and Power Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 5

MCQ 21: The mechanical energy that a body have are of

A) 3 types
B) 4 types
C) 2 types
D) 5 types

MCQ 22: The ratio for the efficiency of a machine is

A) (useful energy output + energy input) × 100&percent;
B) (useful energy output - energy input) × 100&percent;
C) (useful energy input / energy output × 100&percent;
D) (useful energy output / energy input) × 100&percent;

MCQ 23: If P is the power, W is the work done, E is the energy converted and t is the time taken then, P is defined as

A) P = W/t = E/t
B) P = t/W = t/E
C) P = W + t = E + t
D) P = W - t = E -t

MCQ 24: When the force is applied to the object but the object does not move, it means that

A) no work is done
B) work is done
C) there is some friction
D) none of the above

MCQ 25: As the pendulum swings, some of its total energy is converted to thermal energy due to

A) weight
B) mass
C) potential forces
D) frictional forces

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