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Chapter 1: SAT Physics Exam Tests

SAT Physics MCQs - Chapter 1

Energy Mass and Power Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 3

Free Energy Mass and Power Quiz Questions and Answers, Energy Mass and Power quiz answers PDF, test 3 to study online physics Course. Practice Energy in Physics MCQs, Energy Mass and Power MCQ questions and answers PDF to prepare for job interview. Free learning app: Energy Mass and Power Quiz App Download & e-Book for power in physics, work in physics career test for SAT prep classes.

The Quiz: Energy equation based on the principle of conservation of energy is; "Energy Mass and Power" App Download iOS & Android (Free) with answers useful energy output + wasted energy output, useful energy output - wasted energy output, useful energy output / wasted energy output and useful energy output × wasted energy output to learn online classes courses. Study energy in physics quiz questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for college admission test.

Energy Mass and Power Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 3

MCQ 11: The energy equation based on the principle of conservation of energy is

A) useful energy output - wasted energy output
B) useful energy output + wasted energy output
C) useful energy output / wasted energy output
D) useful energy output × wasted energy output

MCQ 12: When the spring or rubber band is released after stretching or compressing, the elastic potential energy can be converted into

A) magnetic energy
B) mechanical energy
C) kinetic energy
D) electrical energy

MCQ 13: A filament bulb rated at 30 W, coverts 15% of its electrical energy supply into light energy. Calculate the quantity of light energy emitted in 10 minutes.

A) 1.8 kJ
B) 1.2 kJ
C) 1.5 kJ
D) 2.4 kJ

MCQ 14: One watt is given by

A) one second/one joule
B) one joule/one second
C) one joule/one meter
D) one joule/one km

MCQ 15: The product of the force and the distance moved by the object in the direction of the force is known as

A) effort
B) power
C) efficiency
D) work done

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Energy Mass and Power App (Android & iOS)

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