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SAT Biology Practice Test 128

SAT Practice Tests Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 128

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SAT Practice Tests Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 128

MCQ 636: The alternative form of same gene is

A) Chromosome
B) Genetic material
C) Allele
D) Dominant

MCQ 637: Once the hormones have performed their function, they are destroyed by

A) Kidney
B) Liver
C) Heart
D) Lungs

MCQ 638: Seeds of some desert plants can germinate after _________ years of dormancy

A) 12
B) 14
C) 15
D) 18

MCQ 639: The male sex hormone made by testes is

A) Estrogen
B) Testosterone
C) Progestrone
D) Vulva

MCQ 640: When the blood passes through oxygen poor tissues oxygen will be

A) Released
B) Consumed
C) Absorbed
D) Increase

SAT Biology Exam Prep Tests

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