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Chapter 3: Environmental Management Exam Tests

Environmental Management MCQs - Chapter 3

Biosphere Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 4

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Biosphere Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 4

MCQ 16: In which consumers the competition for food is great?

A) Primary Producers
B) Predators
C) Herbivores
D) Carnivores

MCQ 17: Plants readily takes up

A) Nitrites
B) Nitrates
C) Nitrogenoxide
D) All of them

MCQ 18: Nutrients, acidity and depth includes in which factors of abiotic component?

A) Climate
B) Soil
C) Local Factors
D) Animals

MCQ 19: What is the loss of topsoil from wind and water?

A) Eutrophication
B) Soil erosion
C) Desertification
D) Urbanization

MCQ 20: How terracing methods works for soil conservation?

A) Salinization
B) It holds the soil on flattered area
C) It takes the soil down
D) All of them

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Biosphere App (Android & iOS)

Biosphere App (Android & iOS)

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