O Level Courses

Chapter 1: IGCSE O Level Biology Exam Tests

IGCSE O Level Biology MCQs - Chapter 1

Biology: Biotechnology MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 2

The e-Book Biology Biotechnology Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers (Biology Biotechnology MCQ PDF download, test 2 to learn free IGCSE O Level Biology Online Course. Solve Introduction to Biotechnology Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Biology Biotechnology quiz answers PDF to prepare for job interview. The Biology Biotechnology MCQ App Download: Free educational app for introduction to biotechnology, branches of biotechnology career test for schools that offer online bachelor degrees.

The MCQ: Process of using natural bacteria in mining industry is known as; "Biology Biotechnology" App Download Android & iOS (Free) with answers bio genomics, biodegradation, bioremediation and bioleaching to study online certificate courses. Practice introduction to biotechnology quiz questions, download Apple Book (Free Sample) for online bachelor degree programs.

Biology Biotechnology Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 2

MCQ 6: Process of using natural bacteria in mining industry is known as

A) biodegradation
B) bio genomics
C) bioremediation
D) bioleaching

MCQ 7: First use of pure microbiological process in an industrial procedure was made by

A) Alexander Fleming
B) Louis Pasteur
C) Charles Darwin
D) Chaim Weizmann

MCQ 8: Mold Pencillium was discovered by Alexander Fleming in

A) 1931
B) 1928
C) 1935
D) 1939

MCQ 9: Example of red biotechnology is

A) antibiotics
B) pesticides
C) industrial catalysts
D) Bt corn

MCQ 10: The term of biotechnology used to describe aquatic and marine applications, is known as

A) blue biotechnology
B) green biotechnology
C) white biotechnology
D) red biotechnology

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Biology Biotechnology App (Android & iOS)

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