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Chapter 8: Medical Biochemistry Exam Tests

Medical Biochemistry MCQs - Chapter 8

Tissue Proteins and Body Fluid Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 4

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Tissue Proteins and Body Fluid Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 4

MCQ 16: The mutation in the gene coding for the protein dystrophin leads to

  1. Muscular dystrophy
  2. Stroke
  3. Muscle fatigue
  4. Muscular fracture

MCQ 17: The protein content in the cerebrospinal fluid is about

  1. 12-23 mg/dl
  2. 15-45 mg/dl
  3. 16-34 mg/dl
  4. 23-25 mg/dl

MCQ 18: The percentage of the liver that is made up of collagen is

  1. 0.9
  2. 0.85
  3. 0.7
  4. 0.04

MCQ 19: Myosin molecule is made up off

  1. 2 heavy chains
  2. 4 light chains
  3. 4 heavy chains
  4. Both A and B

MCQ 20: The normal level of the alpha-fetoprotein is

  1. 12-13 ?g/ml
  2. 15-40 ?g/ml
  3. 14-45 ?g/ml
  4. 10-15 ?g/ml

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