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Control volume and system representation Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook p. 13

Control volume and system representation quiz questions and answers, control volume and system representation MCQs with answers PDF to solve mechanics worksheet 13 for online graduate programs. Practice Fluid Kinematics quiz questions with answers, control volume and system representation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve mechanics test with answers for engineering online degree programs. Free control volume and system representation MCQs, free jets, static, dynamic, stagnation pressure, buoyancy, flotation and stability, energy and hydraulic grade line, control volume and system representation test prep for university entrance exam.

"Flow rate of a parameter across control surface is written in terms of", control volume and system representation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices control integral, surface integral, flow integral, and none of above to study online college courses. Learn fluid kinematics questions and answers with free online certification courses for online colleges enrolling.

Quiz on Control volume and system representation PDF Download eBook

Control volume and system representation Quiz

MCQ: The flow rate of a parameter across the control surface is written in terms of

  1. surface integral
  2. control integral
  3. flow integral
  4. none of above


Energy and Hydraulic Grade Line Quiz

MCQ: If the flow is steady, incompressible, and in viscid, the energy line is

  1. horizontal
  2. vertical
  3. angular
  4. perpendicular


Buoyancy, flotation and stability Quiz

MCQ: The buoyant force has a magnitude equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body and is directed vertically upward. This statement is called

  1. Archimedes principle
  2. Fluid principle
  3. buoyancy principle
  4. none of above


Static, Dynamic, Stagnation Pressure Quiz

MCQ: Stagnation pressure is also called

  1. field pressure
  2. pitot pressure
  3. surface pressure
  4. object pressure


Free Jets Quiz

MCQ: The exit pressure for an incompressible fluid jet is equal to the

  1. surrounding pressure
  2. inlet pressure
  3. total pressure
  4. none of above