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Chapter 22: MCAT Biology Exam Tests

MCAT Biology MCQs - Chapter 22

Plasma Membrane Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 3

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Plasma Membrane Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 3

MCQ 11: Pore- like connections between adjacent cells is an example of

A) gap junction
B) desmosomes
C) tight junction
D) cell junction

MCQ 12: The type of diffusion in which the molecules move from higher concentration to lower concentration is called

A) osmosis
B) intracellular diffusion
C) lateral diffusion
D) flip flop

MCQ 13: Proteins that use energy to move the substances across membrane are called as

A) carrier proteins
B) extrinsic proteins
C) intrinsic proteins
D) fibrous proteins

MCQ 14: Desmosomes is composed of

A) fibers
B) soft tissue
C) hard tissue
D) Bones

MCQ 15: The energy required for passive transport is

A) 5 Kcal
B) 10 Kcal
C) 0 Kcal
D) infinite

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Plasma Membrane App (Android & iOS)

MCAT Biology App (Android & iOS)

MCAT Biology App (Android & iOS)

Phylum App (Android & iOS)

Phylum App (Android & iOS)

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