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MBA Business Statistics Certification Exam Tests

MBA Business Statistics Practice Test 56

Moving Averages and Exponential Smoothing Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 56

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Moving Averages and Exponential Smoothing Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 56

MCQ 276: Smoothing methods generally provide a high level of accuracy for

A) Short-range forecast
B) Long-range forecast
C) Exponential range forecasts
D) Moving-range forecasts

MCQ 277: The degree of kurtosis can be measured by the means of

A) First moment (m1)
B) Second moment (m2)
C) Third moment (m3)
D) Fourth moment (m4)

MCQ 278: The main assumption of t-test is that the dependent measure is

A) Asymmetrically distributed
B) Positively skewed distribution
C) Negatively skewed distribution
D) Normally distributed

MCQ 279: Negative sign with the coefficient value depicts the relationship between the variables to be of

A) Direct relationship
B) Supportive relationship
C) Systematic relationship
D) Opposite relationship

MCQ 280: Time series data can be classified into

A) Two components
B) Three components
C) Four components
D) Five components

Business Statistics Exam Prep Tests

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