MBA: Business Courses

Chapter 11: MBA Human Resource Management Exam Tests

MBA Human Resource Management MCQs - Chapter 11

Performance Management MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 2

The e-Book Performance Management Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers, Performance Management MCQ PDF download, test 2 to learn free MBA Human Resource Management Online Course. Solve Performance Appraisal Rater Errors Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Performance Management quiz with answers PDF to prepare for job interview. The Performance Management MCQ App Download: Free educational app for appraising performance methods, management by objectives, employee performance evaluation career test for online MBA programs.

The MCQ: Type of central tendency error occurs while appraising performance, when employee's rating falls at higher side of scale is classified as; "Performance Management" App Download Android & iOS (Free) with answers leniency error, strictness error, halo effect and contrast error to learn management certificate courses. Practice performance appraisal rater errors quiz questions, download Apple Book (Free Sample) for schools with online MBA programs.

Performance Management Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 2

MCQ 6: The type of central tendency error occurs while appraising performance, when employee's rating falls at higher side of scale is classified as

A) strictness error
B) leniency error
C) halo effect
D) contrast error

MCQ 7: The graphic rating scale and checklist are classified as method of

A) behavioral methods
B) category rating methods
C) comparative methods
D) narrative methods

MCQ 8: The third step in process of management by objectives is to

A) review job and agreement
B) develop performance standards
C) guided setting of objective
D) ongoing performance discussion

MCQ 9: The type of central tendency error occur while appraising performance when employee rating falls at lower side of scale is classified as

A) halo effect
B) contrast error
C) strictness error
D) leniency error

MCQ 10: The benchmarks of job performances are considered as

A) subjective standards
B) criterion standards
C) performance standards
D) profitability standards

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Performance Management App (Android & iOS)

Performance Management App (Android & iOS)

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