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SQL Practice Test 34

SQL Learning Guide for Beginners PDF Download - 34

The e-Book SQL Learning Guide for Beginners, sql quiz questions and answers PDF, test 34 to practice sql online assessment tests. Solve SQL trivia questions, sql learning guide for beginners Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Learning App: "SQL Learning Guide for Beginners" App Download for sql mcq questions with answers, sql server multiple choice questions and answers, sql learning guide for beginners test prep for computer software engineer.

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SQL Quiz: SQL Learning Guide for Beginners PDF Download - 34

MCQ 166: Matching any string character type in SQL, the special character used for the purpose is

  1. ?
  2. _
  3. %
  4. ^

MCQ 167: An aggregate function of SQL that demands the input to be a collection of numbers is known to be

  1. Avg
  2. Sum
  3. Both A and B
  4. Min/Max

MCQ 168: The number of tuples in a relation can be computed by using the aggregate function known to be

  1. CountIF
  2. Max
  3. Count
  4. Sum

MCQ 169: Relations containing null values are handled by SQL by adding a defined truth value of

  1. True
  2. False
  3. Unknown
  4. Existence

MCQ 170: In SQL, the pattern must be followed by the clauses, is said to be of

  1. Select, where, from
  2. From, select, where
  3. Select, from, where
  4. From, where, select

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