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Microbiology Certification Exam Tests

Microbiology Practice Test 12

Microbiology Worksheets for High School Students PDF Download - 12

The e-Book Microbiology Worksheets for High School Students, microbiology trivia questions PDF, test 12 to practice microbiology online career tests. Solve Microbiology MCQ questions, microbiology worksheets for high school students Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Certification App: "Microbiology Worksheets for High School Students" App Download for microbiology quiz questions with answer key, study quiz questions on fundamentals of microbiology, microbiology worksheets for high school students test prep for online colleges.

The Quiz: A disease of sheep that is characterized by demyelinating lesion of brain and pneumonia is called, "Slow Viruses and Prions" App Download (Android & iOS) Free with answers visna, scrapie, mad cow disease and burkitt's syndrome for online certificate programs. Learn microbiology questions and answers, Apple Book to download free sample for accelerated online degrees.

Microbiology Quiz Online: Microbiology Worksheets for High School Students PDF Download - 12

MCQ 56: A disease of sheep that is characterized by demyelinating lesion of brain and pneumonia is called

A) Scrapie
B) Visna
C) Mad cow disease
D) Burkitt's syndrome

MCQ 57: Korean hemorrhagic fever is caused by

A) Ebola virus
B) Hantaviruses
C) HIV virus
D) Congo virus

MCQ 58: Respiratory syncytial virus causes

A) Rubella
B) Measles
C) Bronchiolitis
D) Mumps

MCQ 59: If the antibody and virus are homologous ,the virus fails to attached to the red blood cells and ultimately no hemagglutination occurs, the phenonmena is termed as

A) Inhibition
B) Agglutinate
C) Hemagglutination Inhibition
D) Neutralization

MCQ 60: The protease of hepatitis C virus is inhibited by telaprevir,simeprevir and

A) Sofosbuvir
B) Relenza
C) Steroids
D) Boceprevir

Career Tests: Microbiology Course Prep

Microbiology Worksheets for High School Students Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Microbiology Worksheets for High School Students App (Android & iOS)

Microbiology Worksheets for High School Students App (Android & iOS)

Microbiology App (Android & iOS)

Microbiology App (Android & iOS)

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Global Warming App (Android & iOS)

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ICT App (Android & iOS)