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Engineering Physics Practice Test 234

Archimedes Principle MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 234

Free Archimedes Principle Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Archimedes Principle MCQ PDF Download, Book Ch. 12-234 to learn physics online courses. Study Fluid Statics and Dynamics quiz answers PDF, Archimedes Principle Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Archimedes Principle MCQs App Download: Free educational app for harmonic motion, substance specific heat in calories, indexes of refractions, rolling as translation and rotation combined, archimedes principle test prep for employment assessment test.

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Archimedes Principle Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 234

MCQ 1166: An upward force exerted by a fluid that opposes the weight of an immersed object is called

  1. gravitational force
  2. normal force
  3. buoyant force
  4. frictional force

MCQ 1167: Linear speed of the center of the wheel of vehicle is

  1. dsdt
  2. s/dt
  3. ds/dt
  4. dt/ds

MCQ 1168: 1.63 is refractive index of

  1. Carbon disulfide
  2. Heavy fint glass
  3. Sapphire
  4. Diamond

MCQ 1169: 0.0321 cal/g.K is specific heat of

  1. Tungsten
  2. Lead
  3. Copper
  4. Silver

MCQ 1170: If Xo and θ are constants then displacement x for the motion which repeats itself in a particular is x(t)=

  1. Xo cos(Ωt+θ)
  2. Xo sin(Ωt+θ)
  3. Xo tan(Ωt+θ)
  4. Xo cot(Ωt+θ)

Engineering Physics Exam Prep Tests

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Archimedes Principle App (Android & iOS)

Archimedes Principle App (Android & iOS)

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