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Engineering Physics Practice Test 187

Loop and Junction Rule Quiz PDF: Questions and Answers - 187

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The Quiz: Conservation of charges gives us; "Loop and Junction Rule" App Download (Android & iOS) Free with answers junction rule, loop rule, conjunction rule and arithmetic rule to learn online engineering courses. Study circuit theory questions and answers, Apple Book to download free sample to learn free online courses.

Loop and Junction Rule Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 187

MCQ 931: Conservation of charges gives us

A) loop rule
B) junction rule
C) conjunction rule
D) arithmetic rule

MCQ 932: Venus planet has

A) 1 moon
B) 0 moon
C) 67 moons
D) 63 moons

MCQ 933: 84.0y is Kepler's period of

A) Mercury
B) Venus
C) Uranus
D) Neptune

MCQ 934: Scalar product is also known as

A) cross product
B) unit product
C) binary product
D) dot product

MCQ 935: Law which states that reflected ray lies in the plane of incidence and has an angle of reflection equals to angle of incidence, is termed as

A) law of incidence
B) law of reflection
C) law of refraction
D) law of attenuation

Engineering Physics Exam Prep Tests

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Loop and Junction Rule App (Android & iOS)

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