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Engineering Physics Practice Test 122

Optical Instruments MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 122

The e-Book Optical Instruments Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), optical instruments MCQs Quiz PDF download, chapter 15-122 to learn free physics online courses. Study Geometric Optics quiz answers PDF, Optical Instruments Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Optical Instruments MCQs App Download: Free educational app for escape velocity of planets, rotational variables, planet and satellites: kepler law, x-ray diffraction, optical instruments test prep to apply to colleges online.

The MCQs: Refracting telescope can produce; "Optical Instruments" App Download (iOS & Android) Free with answers angular magnification, lateral magnification, plane magnification and cosine magnification to study distance learning courses. Practice geometric optics questions and answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online engineering associate's degree.

Optical Instruments Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 122

MCQ 606: Refracting telescope can produce

A) lateral magnification
B) angular magnification
C) plane magnification
D) cosine magnification

MCQ 607: Wavelength of 1λ is approximately equals to

A) 10-10 m
B) 1010 m
C) 10-2 m
D) 102 m

MCQ 608: Law which states that a line segment joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas during equal intervals of time is

A) Kepler's Law of Orbits
B) Kepler's Law of Periods
C) Kepler's Law of Areas
D) Newton's Second Law for a System of Particles

MCQ 609: If body of arbitrary shape is in rotation about a fixed axis, it is called

A) axis of rotation
B) axis of determination
C) stationary axis
D) static axis

MCQ 610: Mercury has escape velocity of

A) 4.3 Km/s
B) 10.3 Km/s
C) 5.0 Km/s
D) 35.6 Km/s

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