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Engineering Physics Practice Test 121

Vectors and Scalars Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 121

The e-Book Vectors and Scalars Quiz Questions, vectors and scalars quiz answers PDF download, chapter 35-121 to study free physics online courses. Practice Vector Quantities MCQ with answers PDF, Vectors and Scalars Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Vectors and Scalars Quiz App Download: Free learning app for molar specific heat of ideal gases, work,energy and emf, thermal conductivity, perihelion, vectors and scalars test prep for online high school college acceptance.

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Vectors and Scalars Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 121

MCQ 601: Displacement is a

A) vector quantity
B) scalar quantity
C) unit vector
D) infinite quantity

MCQ 602: Perihelion of Moon about the Sun is

A) 147.1x106 Km
B) 107.5x106 Km
C) 0.363x106 Km
D) 46.0x106 Km

MCQ 603: Thermal conductivity of white pine is equals to

A) 0.048 k(W/m.K)
B) 0.11 k(W/m.K)
C) 1.0 k(W/m.K)
D) 0.03 k(W/m.K)

MCQ 604: EMF is measured in

A) watts
B) amperes
C) volts
D) coulombs

MCQ 605: Molar specific speed of Helium is

A) 12.5 J/mol.K
B) 20.7 J/mol.K
C) 29.0 J/mol.K
D) 120.5 J/mol.K

Engineering Physics Exam Prep Tests

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