Engineering Courses

Chapter 14: Engineering Physics Exam Tests

Engineering Physics MCQs - Chapter 14

Fundamental Constants of Physics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 8

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Fundamental Constants of Physics Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 8

MCQ 36: Any particle with negative charge is measured in

A) Newton
B) Coulomb
C) Ampere
D) Coulomb per meter

MCQ 37: Which of the following constant has same value throughout the solar system?

A) speed of light
B) gravitational constant
C) dielectric constant
D) electric constant

MCQ 38: Speed of light is measured in

A) m/s
B) ms
C) m/s2
D) m/s3

MCQ 39: Ratio of proton mass to electron mass is

A) 1200
B) 1840
C) 1240
D) 1903

MCQ 40: µo is the symbol of

A) permittivity Constant
B) Universal Gas Constant
C) Permeability Constant
D) Stefan-Boltzmann Constant

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