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Chapter 5: Electronic Devices Exam Tests

Electronic Devices MCQs - Chapter 5

Field Effect Transistors Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 4

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The Trivia Quiz: If n-channel JFET with voltage divider bias has a gate voltage of 2 V and a source voltage of 10 V then gate to source voltage will be; "Field Effect Transistors" App APK Download (Free) with answers −8 v, 8 v, 4 v and −4 v to learn online schools courses. Practice jfet biasing quiz questions, download Kindle eBook (Free Sample) for tricky trivia questions.

Field Effect Transistors Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 4

MCQ 16: If n-channel JFET with voltage divider bias has a gate voltage of 2 V and a source voltage of 10 V then gate to source voltage will be

A) 8 V
B) −8 V
C) 4 V
D) −4 V

MCQ 17: Most common type of JFET biasing is

A) voltage biasing
B) current biasing
C) self biasing
D) None of these

MCQ 18: The value of drain to source voltage in which drain current become essentially constant is called

A) breakdown voltage
B) breakover voltage
C) cutoff voltage
D) pinch-off voltage

MCQ 19: To produce cutoff in a p-channel JFET with a pinch-off voltage equals to −3 V, gate to source voltage must equals to

A) −3 V
B) 3 V
C) −6 V
D) 6 V

MCQ 20: E-MOSFET can operate in

A) depletion mode
B) enhancement mode
C) depletion and enhancement mode
D) breakdown mode

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Field Effect Transistors App (Android & iOS)

Field Effect Transistors App (Android & iOS)

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