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Digital Electronics Practice Test 45

Flash Memory Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 45

The e-Book Flash Memory Quiz Questions, flash memory quiz answers PDF download, chapter 21-45 to study online digital electronics degree courses. Practice Read Only Memory ROM MCQ with answers PDF, Flash Memory Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. Free learning app: Flash Memory Quiz App Download & e-Book for pseudo nmos gate circuits, inputs and outputs of ttl gate, spice dc transfer curve analysis, mos power delay product, flash memory test prep for top engineering universities.

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Flash Memory Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 45

MCQ 221: Flash memory devices are typically much faster at

A) reading
B) writing
C) taking input signal
D) generating output signal

MCQ 222: If switching energy of circuit is 6J and propagation delay is 2s than power dissipated in inverter will be

A) 1 watt
B) 2 watt
C) 3 watt
D) 4 watt

MCQ 223: Graph type which is specifically designed for producing characteristic curve families for semiconductor devices is called

A) DC analysis
B) AC analysis
C) DC transfer curve analysis
D) Noise analysis

MCQ 224: TTL limits its

A) Fan-out
B) Fan-in
C) Fan-high
D) Fan-low

MCQ 225: Four input CMOS NOR gate required

A) 4 transistors
B) 5 transistors
C) 6 transistors
D) 8 transistors

Digital Electronics Exam Prep Tests

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