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Size and Depth Perception MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 18

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Size and Depth Perception Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 18

MCQ 86: The perception of size by human eye depends upon the factor of

A) distance
B) size
C) depth
D) height

MCQ 87: The protection of sensitive middle ear from damage is the responsibility of

A) inner ear
B) medium ear
C) outer ear
D) middle ear

MCQ 88: The rods are placed in human eyes at the position of

A) edges of cornea
B) center of cornea
C) edges of retina
D) center of retina

MCQ 89: The two types of photoreceptors of retina in human eyes are

A) lens and cornea
B) lens and rods
C) lens and cones
D) rods and cones

MCQ 90: The standard line length given by scientists for equally legible is

A) 2.1 to 5.3 inches
B) 2.3 to 5.2 inches
C) 2.2 to 5.3 inches
D) 2.5 to 3.2 inches

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