Computer Science Online Courses

Chapter 9: Database Management System Exam Tests

Database Management System MCQs - Chapter 9

Introduction to SQL Programming Techniques Trivia Questions and Answers PDF - 4

Free Introduction to SQL Programming Techniques Trivia Questions, Introduction to SQL Programming Techniques Quiz Answers PDF Download, Book Test 9-4 to study Database Management System Online Course. Solve Impedance Mismatch MCQs, Introduction to SQL Programming Techniques quiz questions and answers PDF to prepare for job interview. The Introduction to SQL Programming Techniques Trivia App Download: Free educational app for embedded and dynamic sql career test for computer information science.

The MCQ Quiz: Problem which arises because of the differences between model of programming language and model of database is classified as; "Introduction to SQL Programming Techniques" App APK Download (Free) with answers referential mismatch, modeling mismatch, dependence mismatch, and impedance mismatch for online computer science degrees. Practice impedance mismatch quiz questions, download Kindle eBook (Free Sample) for free online classes.

Introduction to SQL Programming Techniques Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 4

MCQ 16: The problem which arises because of the differences between model of programming language and model of database is classified as

  1. modeling mismatch
  2. referential mismatch
  3. dependence mismatch
  4. impedance mismatch

MCQ 17: The other name of application programming interface in database management system is

  1. library of clauses
  2. library of variables
  3. library of functions
  4. library of iterators

MCQ 18: The statement which is used to invoke any stored procedure is classified as

  1. CALL statement
  2. INTO statement
  3. ONTO statement
  4. FOR statement

MCQ 19: The type of clause in programming which is used to specify values that are to be retrieved from the database is classified as

  1. INTO clause
  2. ONTO clause
  3. FOR clause
  4. WHILE clause

MCQ 20: The kind of iterator which lists the types and names of attributes in the result of query is classified as

  1. unnamed iterator
  2. non-positioned iterator
  3. positional iterator
  4. named iterator

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Introduction to SQL Programming Techniques App (Android & iOS)

Introduction to SQL Programming Techniques App (Android & iOS)

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