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Database Systems Certification Exam Tests

Database Systems Practice Test 57

Embedded SQL Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 57

The e-Book Embedded SQL Quiz Questions, embedded sql quiz answers PDF download, chapter 1-57 to study free database systems online courses. Practice Advanced SQL MCQ with answers PDF, Embedded SQL Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Embedded SQL Quiz App Download: Free learning app for b+ trees, database triggers, relational algebra, database design, embedded sql test prep to learn online certificate courses.

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Embedded SQL Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 57

MCQ 281: In some languages such as Cobol, the semicolon is replaced with


MCQ 282: E-R model stands for

A) Entity-relationship model
B) Entity-relative model
C) Entity-repetitive model
D) Entity-redundant model

MCQ 283: The operation of projection is a

A) Dimensional operations
B) Multidimensional operations
C) Unary operations
D) Binary operations

MCQ 284: The system executes the rest of the trigger body that is satisfying the condition only for the

A) Tuples
B) Attributes
C) Instances
D) Relation

MCQ 285: A technique used for increasing the fanout of the nodes is called

A) Block compression
B) Hash compression
C) Prefix compression
D) Postfix compression

Database Systems Exam Prep Tests

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