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Chapter 18: Database Systems Exam Tests

Database Systems MCQs - Chapter 18

Query Processing MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 6

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The MCQ: Sorting in database systems is important because of major reasons of type; "Query Processing" App Download Android & iOS (Free) with answers 3, 2, 4 and 5 to study software engineering courses. Practice dbms and sorting quiz questions, download Apple Book (Free Sample) for top online computer science programs.

Query Processing Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 6

MCQ 26: Sorting in database systems is important because of major reasons of type

A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5

MCQ 27: A sequence of primitive operations that can be used to evaluate a query is a

A) Query-execution plan
B) Query-evaluation plan
C) Both A and B
D) Query-execution engine

MCQ 28: After the query plan is chosen, the query is

A) Executed
B) Evaluated
C) Interpreted
D) Implemented

MCQ 29: The algorithm used to compute natural joins and equi-joins are called

A) Join algorithms
B) Split-join algorithms
C) Merge-join algorithms
D) Union-join algorithms

MCQ 30: Index structures are referred to as

A) Index scans
B) Access paths
C) Nature of operation
D) Seek paths

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Query Processing App (Android & iOS)

Query Processing App (Android & iOS)

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