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Chapter 11: Database Systems Exam Tests

Database Systems MCQs - Chapter 11

Indexing and Hashing MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 10

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The MCQ: Organization of the search keys with their associated pointers, in a hash file structure takes place at; "Indexing and Hashing" App Download Android & iOS (Free) with answers hash box organization, hash block organization, hash file organization and hash index organization for online computer engineering classes. Practice static hashing quiz questions, download Apple Book (Free Sample) for top computer science schools in the world.

Indexing and Hashing Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 10

MCQ 46: Organization of the search keys with their associated pointers, in a hash file structure takes place at

A) Hash block organization
B) Hash box organization
C) Hash file organization
D) Hash index organization

MCQ 47: Multilevel indices are closely related to

A) Stack structures
B) Array structures
C) Hash structures
D) Tree structures

MCQ 48: An attribute(s) that is used to look up for records in a file is called a

A) Function key
B) Catalog key
C) Access key
D) Search key

MCQ 49: A search key containing more than one attribute is referred to as a

A) Compound search key
B) Composite search key
C) Grouped search key
D) Hashed search key

MCQ 50: An index entry appears for every search-key value in the file in the index form

A) Sparse index
B) Clustering index
C) Dense index
D) Non-clustering index

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Indexing and Hashing App (Android & iOS)

Indexing and Hashing App (Android & iOS)

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