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Chapter 7: Computer Basics Exam Tests

Computer Basics MCQs - Chapter 7

Data Protection and Copyrights MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 2

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Data Protection and Copyrights Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 2

MCQ 6: Special program which can detect and remove viruses from computer is called

A) virus
B) anti-virus
C) groupware
D) custom

MCQ 7: Most computer crimes are committed by

A) hackers
B) international spies
C) highly paid computer consultants
D) web designers

MCQ 8: In computer, step for maintaining the security of important data is known as

A) data backup
B) data protection
C) data locking
D) data securing

MCQ 9: The most devastating loss to a company is

A) loss of hardware
B) loss of data
C) loss of software
D) loss of printouts

MCQ 10: Example of computer anti-virus program includes

A) Norton
B) McAfee
C) Dr.Solomon toolkit
D) all of these

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Data Protection and Copyrights App (Android & iOS)

Data Protection and Copyrights App (Android & iOS)

Computer Basics App (Android & iOS)

Computer Basics App (Android & iOS)

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Digital Logic Design App (Android & iOS)