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Computer Architecture Practice Test 17

What is Virtual Memory Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 17

The e-Book What is Virtual Memory Quiz Questions, what is virtual memory quiz answers PDF download, chapter 6-17 to study free computer architecture online courses. Practice Computer Language and Instructions MCQ with answers PDF, what is virtual memory Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The What is Virtual Memory Quiz App Download: Free learning app for what is virtual memory, array switch, real faults and failures, performance measurement, data dependences and hazards test prep for computer software engineer.

The Quiz: Hexadecimal number that this binary number (0001 0011 0111)2) represents is; "What is Virtual Memory" App Download (Free) with answers 135, 123, 145 and 137 for online software engineering classes. Solve computer language and instructions questions and answers, Amazon eBook to download free sample for cheapest online computer science degree.

What is Virtual Memory Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 17

MCQ 81: Hexadecimal number that this binary number (0001 0011 0111)2) represents is

  1. 123
  2. 135
  3. 145
  4. 137

MCQ 82: The average access time of memory for having memory-hierarchy performance is given as

  1. average memory access time = hit time + miss rate x miss penalty
  2. average memory access time = hit time + miss rate x miss penalty
  3. average memory access time = hit time + miss rate + miss penalty
  4. average memory access time = hit time + miss rate - miss penalty

MCQ 83: As a segment or a page is normally used for block, page-fault and the address-fault is used for

  1. hit
  2. miss
  3. cache
  4. stack

MCQ 84: What is the average memory latency assuming that 90% of accesses are local to the server, 9% are outside the server but within the rack, and 1% are outside the rack but within the array?

  1. 0.29 microseconds
  2. 14.29 microseconds
  3. 12.09 microseconds
  4. 5.2 microseconds

MCQ 85: The time between the occurrence of an error and the resulting failure is the

  1. effection
  2. mistake
  3. latent error
  4. error latency

Computer Architecture Exam Prep Tests

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